Wednesday 4 December 2013

On Knitting

You guys, I'm so sorry that I haven't posted much about actually knitting lately!  The majority of what I'm working on right now is for Christmas, so I can't exactly go posting pictures anywhere just in case the recipients see what I'm doing!  All I've been able to post for the last little while is extreme close-ups, but sadly, that's pretty much it.  I promise I'll have some more to show you after the holidays!  (Including, hopefully, pictures of my loved ones with their new goodies!)

I can, however, share a picture of my most recent shop project!

Hopefully I'll get these sweet lacy pink socks listed soon!  I'm pretty excited about being able to make socks now, and I know my son really loves his thick slipper socks that I made for him (which I posted about awhile back).  Thick socks like these are fantastic for the cold days we're having in Alberta right now!

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