Tuesday 24 September 2013

Work Life

As I mentioned yesterday, I'm a receptionist at a printing company. I'll be the first to admit, it gets a little quiet down here (especially since the majority of my co-workers are on an entirely different floor than me) so I have a lot of down time. In the past three months, I've spent most of that down time reading - in fact I've gotten through about 6 books in the past three months!

But since Christmas is right around the corner and I'll inevitably have a lot to make in the next two months (yikes!) I've finally brought some knitting in with me!

I've wanted to learn socks for as long as I've been knitting, but it always ends up on the back burner. I finally picked up a sock book recommended to me on Instagram (I believe it's called Getting Started Knitting Socks) and I'm gonna do it!!

I'm starting out by knitting a pair of rather plain socks for my son. Making things for him is great practice!

All in all, here's what my day looks like today (or at least my morning, so far):

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