Friday 11 October 2013

New Projects!

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I love that I can knit at work! I have the opportunity to have one project on the go at home, and another on the go at work, and I get twice as much done! I have the best job ever.

A couple days ago I started an awesome project for my Etsy shop (or maybe for me - we'll see). I won't say what it is yet, because it's just too awesome! Plus, I might have to start over, because I think I'll have to change a few things...but I'm not sure yet. I will tell you that a book on lettering I got recently was the inspiration for it!

I also started a project the night before last night and because I've gotten so much done at work, it's almost finished! It's something for a friend, and it's perfect!

And while we're talking about that one, I'm thinking of doing something new - posting a pattern online! I've written my own patterns forever but I don't think they'll make much sense to other people so I don't post them. But this is something easy enough, I think, that I should be able to do it.

If I were to post this pattern here on my blog, would anyone be interested?

Saturday 5 October 2013

Make All The Socks!

Aden's sock may not have turned out perfectly but he likes it, just as I knew he would! I showed him it and he pulled it on over the socks he was already wearing. It fit better than I thought it would (even if it was over another sock) and he said they'll make great slippers in the winter - which is great because his Spider-Man slippers aren't going to fit much longer!

I'm now almost done the second one too, so he'll actually get to wear them soon!

We went to Chapters last night and, of course, went straight to the kids' section, losing Tyler along the way. When Tyler reappeared, he had a book in hand - Socks a la Carte: Colorwork by Jonelle Raffino & Katherine Cade. $9.99, from the bargain books section! SCORE! I opened it up and it has this beautiful section of pages separated into threes to show you mix-and-match sock patterns!

Oh my heavens, I needed this book! So Tyler even bought it for me. I sure am a lucky wife-to-be! I cannot wait to finish what I'm working on so I can make, oh, everything in here!

(And yes, that right there is a toe sock - I'm so freaking excited!)

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Former Foodie?

Something a lot of people don't know about me is that I really love to cook. I used to do a lot of it, and I'm usually super proud of my dinners!

But sadly, since I started my 9-5 three months ago, I haven't done much cooking (or, shamefully, anything around the house, really)!  I don't usually get home until after 6, and by then I just want to eat and go to bed!  I don't want to stand around cooking, and end up not eating until 7 - I'm usually starving the second I walk in the door - especially since I'm usually in bed before 9...... yes, like an old lady.

But today I'm hunting down some new recipes, and I'm hoping it'll reignite my desire to cook. Fingers crossed!  I figure if I can find things that only take like...20-30 minutes to make, I can deal with that. It won't be gourmet, of course (I can save the fancier stuff for the weekends), but anything will be better than takeout/going out for bar food or fast food! We are guilty of all of those things...and way too often!!

If anyone has any quick recipes they'd like to share, please do! I'll share my successes of course too!

Now if I could just find the motivation to do the dishes too....